Make A Legacy Gift
Giving by Will and Other Planned Gifts
Turn your generosity and compassion into action and set an example for others by remembering the Bluffton Community Kitchen in your will, trust or other planned gift. No gift has a more lasting impact.

Join Bluffton Community Kitchen’s Legacy Society
You can show your personal compassion and generosity and set an example for others by remembering the Bluffton Community Kitchen in your will, trust or other planned gift. No gift has a more lasting impact that will serve future generations.
A planned gift also offers you many potential financial advantages such as the opportunity to eliminate or reduce capital gain taxes and possibly federal and state estate taxes. Your financial and legal advisor can help you to determine which planned giving opportunities are appropriate for you.
Some examples of gifts that qualify for membership:
- Gifts to Bluffton Community Kitchen in Your Will or Trust
- BCK as Designated Beneficiary for Investment, IRA , Life Insurance and CD or SavingsAccounts
- Gifts of Real Estate or Other Tangible Assets
- Gifts of Life Insurance Policies That Are No Longer Needed
Don’t Wait Another Day
Making your will and estate plan is one of the most important steps you can take toward financial preparedness. Talk to your legal and financial advisors today to review your plan and ensure that you are up to date.