In The News
Learn more about what Bluffton Community Kitchen is doing in the local community.
How Seniors Can Donate More to Charity and Pay Less in Taxes
How Seniors Can Donate More to Charity and Pay Less in Taxes It’s the season for charitable giving—and for seniors to make sure they get the best tax breaks for their donations. Hint: If you’re writing checks for cash to charities, you’re probably missing out. While...
How Seniors Can Increase Their Social Security Retirement Benefit
How Seniors Can Increase Their Social Security Retirement Benefit Claiming Your Social Security benefit can be complex and confusing. There are many options and strategies you can pursue, depending on your personal situation. Always consult with a qualified financial...
New Year, New Name, Same Mission
As we step into the new year, we're excited to share some transformative updates that reflect our unwavering commitment to serving the Bluffton community. Explore Our New Website We invite you to visit our redesigned website. Here, you can learn more about our...
Dear Friends, Donors and Volunteers
Dear Friends, Donors and Volunteers The Apostle Paul reminds us In Romans 8:28, "And we know in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose". A reminder that He provides what we need and not what we want and...
Bluffton Sun | Want to Feel Better and Live Longer? Give More!
BMC Public Health, a peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal, published a study that followed adults over 50 years old for five years and found that those who volunteered at least once a week had a 44% lower risk…
What’s Cookin | November 2024
Bluffton Community Kitchen Provides Hope and Dignity Our focus extends beyond simply providing food; we aim to offer a sense of reliability and consistency for families who might otherwise struggle to put meals on the table. By ensuring that there is always a place...
Constance Martin-Witter named the 2024 Chamber Business Woman of the Year
Constance Martin-Witter named the 2024 Chamber Business Woman of the YearWe are incredibly proud to announce that our Executive Director, Constance Martin-Witter has been named the 2024 Chamber Business Woman of the Year! Constance has always been at the forefront of...
Bluffton Community Kitchen Continues Fundraiser: “Providing Hope and Dignity”
Bluffton Community Kitchen Continues Seasonal Fundraiser: “Providing Hope and Dignity" The Bluffton Community Kitchen (BCK) announces its Providing Hope and Dignity fundraiser which will run through the end of the year. Constance Martin-Witter, BCK’s Executive...
The Impact of Food Donations: How Your Contributions Make a Difference
The Impact of Food Donations: How Your Contributions Make a Difference At Bluffton Community Kitchen, we believe that everyone deserves access to nutritious meals, and food donations play a crucial role in making this vision a reality. Every can, box, and fresh...
Bluffton Community Kitchen Receives Golden Seal
Bluffton Community Kitchen Receives Golden Seal of TransparencyWe are proud to announce that Bluffton Community Kitchen has earned the prestigious Gold Seal of Transparency from Candid.
Hargray Communications Gives Grant to Bluffton Community Kitchen
Hargray Communications Gives GrantHargray Communications recently awarded the Bluffton Community Kitchen a $5000 grant though their Charitable Giving Fund.
Thank you for the Donation, Nantucket Fish Market!
Nantucket Meat & Fish Market Makes DonationWe would like to thank Nantucket’s Meat and Fish Market and their general manager Cameron Bergner for their donation of Smithfield Hams.